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Application for Rechecking Exam Paper & Marksheet Correction

Students can write to their principal or the controller of examinations for any type of examination related matters viz. correction of spelling errors in marksheet, marks totaling errors, re-scrutiny of answer sheets.

application for rechecking of exam paper in college
While some of the educational institutes are now making available online options for making such requests, some others have to be approached through manual applications only.

Hereunder are the examples of such application letters for rechecking the answer sheets and for correcting the marksheet.

(How to write application for rechecking of exam paper)

The Controller of Examinations,
___________ University

Sub.: Re-evaluation of answer scripts of the 1st/2nd semester examination.


I am submitting this formal request to have my exam paper/answer sheet rechecked. Upon receiving my results, I was disheartened by the marks I obtained. I firmly believe that there might have been an oversight during the evaluation process, as I had anticipated achieving a higher score.

Please note the following details:

1. Full name of the Student: _______________________.
2. Address: ______________________. Pin code: ______.
3. Registration No. _____________, Year: ___________.
4. Name of the School/College/Department: __________.
5. Details of the Examination: (Month), ___ Semester.
6. Name of the Subjects and Papers for which evaluation is sought: (Max. Two)
Subject: __________________. Paper (i) __________. Paper (ii) __________.
7. Details of fees paid for re-evaluation request: Rs. ______/-, Demand Draft No. ________ dated _______.

I hereby declare that the information mentioned above is true and correct. I have gone through the rules governing Re-evaluation requests and I shall abide by the same.

I would like to express my gratitude if you could kindly reexamine my exam paper/answer sheet and confirm that all questions have been correctly evaluated. I have enclosed a copy of my marksheet for your ready reference.

Thank you for your diligent consideration of this matter.

Yours obediently,

Name of the Student

(Application for correction of name in marksheet.)

The Registrar
ABC School/University

Subj.: Application for correction of name in marksheet and certificate.

Respected Madam/Sir,

During the session _________, I attended ABC School/University, (Location). I successfully completed the _________ course and achieved a Grade ___.

Details of the Student
Registration Number: _________
Roll Number: ___________
Course name: __________
Year: ___________

I would like to notify you that there is an error in the name spelling of the student/father on the marksheet/certificate that was awarded to me by the School/University.

Correct details are as follows:
(i) Student’s Name: ___________________________
(ii) Father’s Name: ___________________________

Hence, I humbly ask for your assistance in rectifying the name and kindly issuing a new marksheet and certificate to me. I have enclosed the necessary documents to substantiate my request.

Yours faithfully
Name: _______________________
Contact no. _________________
Address: ____________________
Pin code: __________

1. Certified copy of the Birth Certificate.
2. Photocopy of the final semester marksheet.
3. Photocopy of the Aadhar/ National ID card.
