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Legal Internship Certificate Format for Law Students

A legal internship is a specialized program aimed at providing law students with a valuable understanding of the day-to-day activities of attorneys and judges.

law internship certificate format

It is crucial for law interns to grasp the intricacies of the legal profession. Their responsibilities include conducting thorough research and presenting their findings to their superiors for case preparations. Additionally, they are tasked with assisting senior lawyers in organizing essential legal paperwork, such as case files, evidence records, and legal documents.

Following are the examples of legal internship completion certificates.


(Print it on the letterhead of the Advocate)

To Whom It May So Concern,

This is to certify that Ms. ABC, d/o Mr. XYZ, who is pursuing B.A. LL.B.(Hons), 2nd Semester at JKL Law University, PinkCity, has undergone legal internship at my office for one month i.e. from 1st Apr 2024 to 30th Apr 2024.

During this period, she was involved in several civil matters and assisted me in carrying out various legal researches on civil law and family law cases. She was involved in drafting of different legal notices, petitions, affidavits, power of attorneys, and other legal documents.

She consistently attended and observed matters in both the Hon'ble Sessions and District Court. She efficiently performed all the tasks and responsibilities assigned to her.

In my observation, she has consistently displayed a strong work ethic and a remarkable ability to grasp new concepts with ease. Her aptitude for learning is truly impressive, and she possesses a keen analytical sense.

I am confident that Ms. ABC will be an asset to any organization she works with. I wish her all the best for her bright future.

Signature with seal
Firstname Surname

Dated ___________




This is to certify that ABC, a fourth-year law student from XYZ Law College, KLM University, (City), interned with FGH Associates, (City) in our internship programme for 4 weeks from March 01, 2024 to March 31, 2024.

During the period of his internship, he has worked on several Intellectual and Property Rights (IPR) related matters. We found him to be hardworking, sincere and diligent.

We wish ABC all the success in his future endeavours.

Dated _______

For FGH Associates,

Firstname Surname


Certificate of Completion of Internship

This is to certify that Mr. Full Name, a 7th semester student of BA, LLB(Hons) of Name Institute, City, has undergone internship in ABC Associates, City from (Date) to (Date).

During the span of internship, he has researched in various legal and policy related matters. The intern worked with devotion and sincerity. He took keen interest in the assigned work and completed tasks with due diligence. He assisted us in drafting the advice papers and successfully completed the assignments during the internship period.

The intern is well versed in legal knowledge and has a knack of finding out the case laws.

I wish him all the success in his academic endeavours.

Signature with rubber stamp
Firstname Surname
ABC Associates

Dated _______
