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Warning Letter to Security Guard for Negligence of Duty

A security guard has many duties to perform including guarding the properties inside the client's premises, checking surveillance cameras, monitoring suspicious activities of the visitors, patrolling the company buildings and areas, etc.

Warning Letter to Security Guard for Negligence of Duty
Sometimes, a company hires a security agency to appoint guards through them. If any guard is found to be performing poorly, neglecting duties or not remaining vigilant during working hours, then the company can issue a warning letter to the security guard and/or the security agency before terminating him from his job.

Here are examples of warning letters to security guards and security agencies for poor performance.

(Warning letter to the security guard himself)

Date: ________

(Name of the Security Guard)
(Home Address)

Reg: Negligence of Duty.

Mr. (Name),

We regret to say that we are highly disappointed with your performance lately. Several employees have found you sleeping during working hours.

You are supposed to remain alert while on duty, monitor the movements of the people inside our business premises and monitor the surveillance equipment. However, many times we are noticing that you are not focusing on work. Instead, you are engaging in unnecessary conversations with some people and entertaining yourself with your mobile usage.

Therefore, consider this letter as your first and final warning to remind you of the essence of your duties and the possible consequences including termination from work.

(Name of the Officer)
(Name of the Organization)

(Warning letter to the security guard agency)

Date: ________

(Name of the Security Agency)
(Office Address)

Ref: Agreement for deploying security guards dated _____.


We have entered into the captioned contract with your Security Agency for deployment of security guards in our office premises. With high hopes, we chose your agency so that our premises, assets, and staff members are protected by your well-trained professional guards.

However, we regret to say that your security guard Mr. (Name) was found to be negligent in his duties several times. Sometimes, he would fall asleep during working hours, and other times he would engage himself in gossiping with outsiders. Many times, he would not remain alert to the strangers entering the premises, which is clearly visible from his absent-minded behaviour.

We gave you a chance on faith but your staff's performance has put a big question mark on your ability to supply us with professional security guards. Now, therefore, we have decided to give you this last chance to replace the guard with an efficient security guard who would not disappoint us in performing his duties. Failing this, we will be constrained to cancel the contract dated _______.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt.

(Name of the Officer)
(Name of the Organization)

Warning Letter to Security Guard for Negligence of Duty
