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About us

 - Vision -

To make billions of people get better in their letter writing skills.

 - Mission -

To feed skillful ideas into the minds of people to write letter fast and good.

 - Team -

We are a very small group of individuals who are trying to help out students and professionals and people in general to improve their letter or email or notice writing skills.

Our expertise lies in the very fact that the authors of the website are proficient in their writing skills because of long years of experience in doing so and especially because they belong to such sectors which needs more and more writing of documents and communicating through emails and letter in their daily professional life.

 - Our Belief -

We strongly believe that our services provided through this website will be of immense use for its visitors. We have knowingly disabled the contents copying and printing option because we do not want our users to just copy and paste the contents and do minor edits to complete the letter writing. No.

We want the users to go through the contents word by word and try to understand why it is written in that way. This effort will certainly help individuals to improve their letter writing skills.

It is also a fact that in case an user do not make efforts to understand why the letter is written in such a way but just tries to type out the contents by seeing it as copying option is disable, even if in that case this typing thing word by word will also have certain good impact on his letter writing skill. As they say - something is better than nothing.

We surely hope our website is useful to you in any way possible.

Keep Learning!