A relieving letter is issued to an employee after his separation from the company. It is a confirmation that his resignation has been accepted and his handing over work is found in order. Hence, he is relieved from his duties from that company.

The experience letter generally contains the information on the job details with the company viz. designation, department, tenure of job, latest salary, key responsibilities, major achievements, etc.
In general practice, most of the experience letters contain details like designation, department and tenure of job. Other details like the latest salary, key responsibilities, major achievements, etc. are not usually mentioned in the letters.
A relieving letter and an experience certificate can be issued separately or jointly in one letter.
(Relieving and experience certificate letter.)
Ref: ________
Date: _______
(Name of the Employee)
(Communication Address)
Mob. __________
Email Id: __________
Sub.: Relieving confirmation and experience certificate.
Dear Mr./Ms. __________,
This has reference to the resignation tendered by you from the services of the company by your letter/email dated __________ and received by us on (Date).
Kindly be informed that your resignation has been accepted by the concerned head of the department. Accordingly, you will be relieved from your duties with effect from the closing working hours of the _____day, __th day of (Month), (Year).
Work areas and tenure of service
Further, we hereby certify that (Name of the Employee), age ___ years, s/o (Father's Name), resident of (Full Address), had worked in our Company i.e. __________ Private Limited from (Date of Joining) until (Date of Separation). Mr./Ms. _____________ was posted in the __________ Department as a (Designation). Employee Code was _______.
Following are the key responsibilities handled by Mr./Ms. __________ during the employment:
(Here, list out the details of responsibilities pointwise in one line in each point.)
Mr./Ms. __________'s employment records with the company show that the CTC per month during the last month of service was (Amount).
During the period of association with the Company, the conduct of (Name of the Employee) was satisfactory. Mr./Ms. __________ had carried out the assignments responsibly and the performance was up to the mark.
We wish you all the very best for your future endeavors.
For __________ Private Limited,
(Name of the Officer)
thanks a lot your site is helping me in my HR department activities :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the experience letter format
ReplyDeleteGood template. It was useful.
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