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Letter to Bank Manager to Unblock your ATM Debit Card

Debit or ATM card issued by a bank to its account holders may be blocked (hot-listed) by the bank under different circumstances:

sample request letter to bank manager to unblock atm card(1) Banks may block it because the account holder violated certain terms and conditions of the bank.
(2) Banks may block it if they find any suspicious transactions are being carried out with that ATM card of the account holder.
(3) Account holder may request the bank to block it if he misplaces or loses it somehow or if it is stolen from him.
(4) Account holder may request the bank to block it if he gets to know that some unauthorised transactions are being carried out with his ATM card.
(5) Or for any other reasons needing the card to be blocked urgently to avoid any loss.

The account holder has to request the bank over the phone to customer care executive or by email to them or by writing a letter to them or by visiting the bank's branch office to submit the request by filling in the bank's prescribed form.

After blocking the ATM card, if the account holder wants to reactivate the same ATM card again, then he will have to submit a request to the bank either in writing by letter or over the phone/email or by visiting the branch and submitting an application form.

Here is an example of a request letter to the bank manager for unblocking the ATM/ debit card.


Date: ..................

(Name of the Account holder)
(Full Postal Address)
(Telephone Number)

The Branch Manager
(Name of the Bank)
(Name of the Branch)

Sub.: Reactivate/unblock my ATM/debit card

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am maintaining a savings account bearing no. ................. in your bank's ........... branch. I was issued an ATM/debit card bearing no. .................

Yesterday, I had requested over the phone to your bank's customer care executive to block the said card, as I was unable to find it after searching all necessary places. However, fortunately today, I found it in my office cabin.

(Alternatively, you can write as below. It depends on your actual case.)

I understand the bank had blocked my ATM card because of some suspicious transactions as reported by me on (Date). I am now confirmed that those transactions were carried out by a known person, who was aware of my debit card number and pin. Hence, there is nothing to worry about anymore. There is no more need to keep it blocked.

Therefore, I kindly request you that the said ATM card be reactivated/unblocked so that I can start using it again. Applicable charges, if any, in this regard may be debited from my savings account no. ................

Please process my application at the earliest as I have insufficient cash with me now to carry out my expenses.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Account-holder)

Letter to Bank Manager to Unblock your ATM Debit Card


  1. Saket Nalegaonkar27 August, 2018

    This was useful. Though I later realised I could have done over phone by calling the customer care executive. Thanks anyway!

  2. Mishti Bose08 October, 2018

    Thank you for the format


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